Here is a book that once shook the world, creating a death everywhere, and creating a governance regime behave devil. These books never written better. "This book is one of the greatest source of strength. however, repeatedly occur in the vortex of history that the book was written incorrectly alias misleading. In some cases, these books have resulted large-scale death and destruction and to create a character ikblis regime. " Here is a list of books that have made the destruction of the world and resulted in countless deaths. The books should not be written and read.
Malleus Maleficarum
Malleus Maleficarum is the Latin of "The Hammer of Witches" - a book that was written by two German pastors Sprenger and Kramer in 1487. This book - which contains 3 parts know about reality Witchcraft (witchcraft by women), its detection and punishment - considered a 'handbook' to chase the witches / witches in roma century Catholic Inquisition era 15-17. Tens of thousands of victims, mostly poor wanita2 who accused witches.
Coming of Age in Samoa
This book surprised many Westerners when it first appeared in 1928. Many American readers were surprised by the observation Samoa bahaw young women delaying marriage for many years while at the same time enjoy a sexual relationship, but eventually married, settled down and managed to take care of his own children.
The Prince
Il Principe (The Lord) is a political treatise by a civil servant and political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli of Florence. Originally titled De Principatibus (On Power), written in 1513, [1] but it was only published in 1532, five years after Machiavelli's death. article is a classic study of power - how to acquire, expand, and use it with maximum results. This paper does not represent the actual works during his lifetime, but the work is the most memorable, and which led to the birth of the term "Machiavellian" is used widely as a pejorative term.
Mein Kampf
Mein Kampf (German "My Struggle") is a book by Adolf Hitler. This book Hitler wrote while in prison (after the failed putsch, in 1923). In this book, he describes (talk about) his views on the future of Germany. He also describes his future plans for the Jews. As he rose to power, in 1933, he manifest some of the book, resulting in the Holocaust. The book is available free in the civil offices during Nazi rule in Germany. Following World War II, the book is considered to be illegal for sale in Germany and Austria
The Pivot of Civilization
"This book contains about genetics" Margaret Sanger is the mother of modern contraception and founder of Planned Parenthood. In 1922 his book, The Pivot of Civilization, he described his theory of eugenics (the control of the human race by selective breeding) and racial purity (3 years before Hitler did the same thing in Mein Kampf). Basic support for contraception at all for his belief that humans are inferior should be killed to enable a superior race to appear in the new time. Margaret not only entertain ideas that are popular at the time - he was champion. In his book he says: "The most urgent problem today is how to limit and prevent fertility than mental and physical disabilities." community if it continues to drive opportunity and satisfaction resulting from sentimentalism chaotic stupidity, cruel "KB. was, in his mind," the largest and most methods actually eugenic. Planned Parenthood has tried something hard to distance themselves from their founder.
Democracy and Education
"This book contains that education is not about the facts of the world, but is subject to change" in Democracy and Education, Dewey underestimate the education that focuses on traditional character development endowing children with hard knowledge, and promote the teaching of thinking "skills" is not education. His views have a great influence on American education-especially in public schools. This book can be considered as anti-classical education manifesto. And the consequences? A youth with low education who do not have a stance on solid facts and knowledge. Dewey was one of the three founders of the philosophical school of pragmatism - a school of thought that states that "truth" is made and may change. Curriculum in New Zealand is one of the very fun Dewey due largely based on its principles.
Baby and Childcare
"Causes of infant deaths due to wrong advice the author of" The scientists eventually discovered that the advice Spock actually cause death due to suffocation. The estimated number of deaths caused by bad advice are as many as 50,000. Spock also suggest a method of joyful children who move from discipline-based methods. Formerly the elderly, experts say that babies need to learn to sleep on a regular schedule, and pick them up and hold every time they cried would only teach them to cry more and not to sleep through the night. Spock actually teaches the opposite.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
"The book of propaganda designed to incite racial hatred" The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a booklet that is intended to explain the plot by Jews and Masonry world to take over the world. Despite the fact that this little book is a hoax, it spread far and wide and it is believed by most Europeans to be true. Many people at that time thought it was going to happen. 's very important to Hitler's anti-Jewish efforts in Germany and used after the Russian Revolution to perpetrate hatred and violence against Jews. This booklet continues to be published and distributed in many countries of the Middle East is Israel's political enemies.
The Manifesto of the Communist Party
This book may win the award for the most dangerous book ever written in the world. This book has inspired some of the most brutal regimes in human history. Regardless of whether there is a true Marxist state, this book has inspired so many crimes that can not be left out from the list of properties. Some of the principles found in the manifesto is the abolition of private ownership of land, confiscation of property of emigrants, heavy taxes, and the elimination of inheritance.
Darwin's Black Box
"This book contains the fuel fundamentalist attack on science" By arguing against aspects of Darwin's theory, this book has given fuel to the fundamentalists who argue that the literal interpretation of Genesis is the only possible way in which the earth was created.
Though a lot of criticism from the scientific community , many fundamentalists still use this as a "source" for proof that evolution is not true. The book itself is not peer reviewed as Behe claimed under oath, and Science has a large community rejected. It should be noted that Behe himself is not fundamentalist and does not believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible.