10 Most Dirty Animals In The World

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10. Fly
Although scientists claim that flies are insects of the most developed among others, also flies in the category of the most disgusting creatures in the world. What if you want to eat fried foods, all of a sudden there was a fly who like eating and body filled with bacteria, landed there. Are you going to think twice about eating fried them? Flies buzzed in not only our food, they vomit on it, flies will spew enzymes, digestive juices and saliva to convert food into soft to be easily sucked up by their mouth shaped like a straw. Flies also likes to spawn in dead animals, which later the eggs will hatch and was born belatung.Semoga add insight we all

9. Bird Heriang
These animals often appeared in Hollywood films as scavengers. This bird can feel the carcass, although the distance is very far. In addition, heriang do not have sweat glands, so when they overheat, they will use steam from an animal carcass to cool the flow of the blood vessels in the skin of their feet.

8. Hagfish
Hagfish may never win a beauty contest in her life. Do you know what "Hag" is? Hag in English means an older woman who seems very ugly and a rotten heart. Hagfish are marine animals could hardly see at all and do not have teeth, and they like to eat dead animals.Hagfish will enter the body of the carcass, and eat it from the inside. Hagfish are very slimy, and the mucus is used as a defense mechanism when attacked, hagfish can produce 8 liters of mucus to fight.
7. Sea Cucumbers
These creatures can grow up to three feet long, resembling long sausage. Dinner carcass of a dead animal. And animal carcasses can process as much as 136 kg per year. Some cultures in the world believe that sea cucumbers are delicious and the sea cucumber is believed to stimulate sexual desire.

6. Koala
Why is this funny animal in the most squalid animal list? Maybe that's what you're questioning. The food was the only koala eucalyptus leaves. Which maybe you do not know, that the leaves are wrapped by a poison. And the laziest animal's digestive system are special bacteria can release toxins in the leaves. Koala babies, are not born with the same ability to release toxins, so to build defenses on their digestive system, the baby will take the mother's ex-chaw. By eating a food of the mother, aka the vaccine bacteria from the stomach of the mother, would go into the baby.

5. Chamois
The original name of this animal in the local language, the language of India, is a Tahr, and the animal is a type of mountain goat that many live in the hills of southern India. Tahr female if you want to give a sign, that it was in the mood to mate was pissing by the male.

4. Wolf
Animal habit is what caused him to fall into the most sordid animals list. Animal lovers will be storing meat carcasses had decayed few days. The parent teach their children not to waste food, although already rotting. And they give the carcasses of the children they were starving. And wolves are also fond of eating food that they have spit, if the food had run out.

3. Hippopotamus
Quite a lot of unique facts about hippos, among others: the weight they can reach 1.800an kg, one is hairless mammals and they use mud as sunscreen to protect their sensitive skin. What causes the animal sub-Saharan Africa is included in this list? The answer is when they are playing in the "mud bath", they will be throwing a mixture of urine and feces from each other. Using a round tail moment of death, hippos will launch the most disgusting blob to mark their territory.

2. Cattle
There are billions of cows on our planet. If this fact is not shocking you, how about this one fact: the food is often eaten beef, such as grass, causing methane gas to accumulate in their stomachs, and are constant, the gas is "leaky" and out of their stomachs (read: fart) .The cows can spend half a gallon of farting in 1 minute.

1. Giraffe
With about 6 feet tall and weighing 1.3 tons, a giraffe would need a lot of water to survive. Giraffe saliva is very much, plus giraffe has a tongue with a length of 18 inches (about 45 cm). Tongue along it possible for us very icky, but the tongue is a very useful tool for digestion, helping remove the giraffes leaves from a tree branch to eat, and facilitate the process of chewing food. In addition, they use the tongue "super" long to clean the dirt on his nose.