According to available data, more than 195,000 Americans die from malpractice or errors Doctor of 37 million patient records each year than road traffic accidents sea and air, AIDS, Cancer combined.
Here are the top 10 fatal mistakes in medicine:
01. One planted Sperm

When Nancy Andrews, of Commack, NY, became pregnant after in vitro fertilization of sperm in a New York fertility clinic, she and her handsome husband seemed to expect.What they expect is a child with dark skin significantly better than their parents. Following DNA tests suggested doctors at New York Medical Services for Reproductive Medicine, intentional use of others to sperm implanted into the egg Nancy Andrews'.
Then the baby was born October 19, 2004, they demanded for a reckless malpractice clinic owner.
02. One grafting heart and lungs, so it died

17 years Jésica Santillan died 2 weeks after receiving the heart and lungs of the patient's blood type did not match him. Doctors at Duke University Medical Center failed to check the compatibility before surgery began. . After the second transplant surgery to try to correct the error, she suffered brain damage and complications that caused death.
Santillan, a Mexican immigrant, came to the United States three years earlier to seek medical treatment on the heart and lungs. Heart transplantation and lung by surgeons at Duke University Hospital in Durham, NC, is expected to improve this condition, not put him in great danger; Santillan, who has type-O blood, had received an organ from a donor type.
03. U.S. $ 200,000 for testicle

Another thing is one-sided operation, surgeons mistakenly discard the healthy right testicle of vetran Air Force 47 years Benjamin Houghton. Patients who had been complaining of pain and a decrease in the mentality of the left testicle so doctors decided to schedule surgery to get rid of fear of cancer. However, what is the removal of the testicles is healthy, which is on the right, the couple then filed a compensation amounting to Us $ 200,000 for fatal error
04. Souvenir 13 Inch

Donald Church, 49, had a tumor in the abdomen when he arrived at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle in June 2000. When he returned, the tumor is not there but a metal retractor miss it. Doctor admits guilt left along the 13-inch metal retractor in the stomach, fortunately, surgeons are able to lift retractor shortly after it was discovered, and he did not have long-term health consequences of these errors. The hospital agreed to pay compensation of U.S. $ 97,000.
05. Heart open by mistake ... the procedure on the wrong patient
Joan Morris (a pseudonym) is a female 67 admitted to hospital to learn yet fatal mistake, because the patient had taken a wrong that must be operated even brain surgery the Heart .the patient was on the operating table for an hour. Doctors have to make incisions in the chest, artery, flow in a tube and snaked up into his heart (a procedure with risks of bleeding, infection, heart attack and stroke).

Joan Morris (a pseudonym) is a female 67 admitted to hospital to learn yet fatal mistake, because the patient had taken a wrong that must be operated even brain surgery the Heart .the patient was on the operating table for an hour. Doctors have to make incisions in the chest, artery, flow in a tube and snaked up into his heart (a procedure with risks of bleeding, infection, heart attack and stroke).
That was when the phone rang and a doctor from another department asked "what are you doing with my patient?" There is nothing wrong with her heart! ". Cardiologist who works on women even then examine the graph, and saw that he had made a great mistake. The study was terminated, and he returned to the room it was in a stable condition.
06.Hospital made a mistake on the brain operated on the wrong side ... for the third time in a year.

For the third time in the same year, doctors at Rhode Island Hospital have operated on one side of the patient's head. The most recent incident occurred November 23, 2007. 82-year-old woman an operation to stop the bleeding of his brain and skull. A neurosurgeon at the hospital begin to operate on the right side of the drilling head of the patient, although a CT scan showed bleeding on the left, according to local reports. The resident reported the error, after which close the hole left side of the patient's head. The patient was in good shape on Sunday.
Echoes of cases of the same mistake last February, in which doctors operate is different on one side of the patient's head. And last August, a man of 86 years died three weeks after a surgeon at Rhode Island Hospital operate accidentally on one side of his head.
07. Team of surgeons discard the wrong foot

Perhaps this is the most famous case of a mistake cutting the feet in Tampa (Florida) against Willie King a man of 52 years, while cutting procedure in February 1995. Due to a fatal error hospital revoked his licenses for 6 months and fined U.S. $ 10,000 and U.S. $ 900,000 paid to Willie King and the last operations team also paid U.S. $ 250,000 to the King
08.Error of Healthy kidneys secrete

Louis Park, Minnesota, patients admitted to the Hospital Park Nicollet Metodhist as a tumor believed to be cancerous. But doctors misdiagnose a healthy kidney and discard
"This discovery was made on the following day when examined by a team of pathology and found no evidence of any crime," said Samuel Carlson, MD and head of Park Nicollet Chief Medical Officer. Potentially cancer, kidney remained intact and functioning. For privacy and family's request, no details about the patient.
09. Wake up when the surgery

The man from West Virginia was admitted awoke from fainting when surgery and feeling every incision of the scalpel by a team doctor when operated, which causes trauma for two weeks later, Sherman Sizemore then filed a lawsuit to Raleigh General Hospital, Beckley, W.Va. , January 19, 2006 for the operation and determine the cause of his investigation he woke up. But at the time of surgery, he reported a phenomenon known as anesthetic awareness - a state in which a surgical patient can feel pain, pressure or discomfort during surgery, but can not move or communicate with doctors.
The team doctor has been wounded man with 73 years experience awake during surgery but unable to move or cry out in pain.
10.Not funny: wrong artery bypassed

Two months after heart bypass surgery twice allegedly to save his life, comedian and former host of the Saturday Night Live cast member Dana Carvey got the news: the cardiac surgeon who had made the wrong artery bypassed. It took another emergency operation to remove the blockage that threatened to kill the 45-year, comedian and father of two children.Demanded U.S. $ 7.5 million lawsuit Carvey brought against the hospital, saying surgeons have made a fatal mistake "It's like issuing the wrong kidney. There's a big mistake, "he told People Magazine.ASN

Two months after heart bypass surgery twice allegedly to save his life, comedian and former host of the Saturday Night Live cast member Dana Carvey got the news: the cardiac surgeon who had made the wrong artery bypassed. It took another emergency operation to remove the blockage that threatened to kill the 45-year, comedian and father of two children.Demanded U.S. $ 7.5 million lawsuit Carvey brought against the hospital, saying surgeons have made a fatal mistake "It's like issuing the wrong kidney. There's a big mistake, "he told People Magazine.ASN