Another Function Of Google

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Many of us use search engines daily google but did you know that google is also a powerful tool for other things? There are a few simple tricks, but great results can you use when searching using Google features.

1. Use Google as a calculator.
Google already has a built-in calculator, by incorporating key calculations like this for example: 
270 * (55/5 + 3), 
you will see the results: 
270 * ((55/5) + 3) = 3 780 
computer is also equipped calculator, but if you just type in your calculations to the inside of the browser search box, then of course it is much faster than opening your calculator application. 

2. Use google as a spell checker.
If you are not sure about the spelling of a word, just enter the word into google, this is a quick way to see if you have the correct spelling. If incorrect, Google will suggest the correct spelling. In addition, if you want to get a definition of a word, you can use the "define:" It is for the functioning of Google as a dictionary. Examples of writing: 
define: parasympathetic 

3. Use the word "site:" to limit the search to a specific site.

Many sites have a built-in search tools but most can not respons with results that match your search term. For example, look for David Beckham ? site, you can try to find it this way: 
david beckham site: 
all posts by david beckham keywords will appear in the search results.

4. Checking at the same time in other countries / regions.

feature allows you to check the current time of a country or city anywhere, so you do not no one time when you call someone, or for other important matters. To check the time, just enter "time" followed by the name of the city / region. For example: 
time California 

5. As a currency conversion tool that quickly.

Google can also do currency conversion, for example: 
150 pounds in dollars

6. Analyze keywords on a particular site

This can be useful if you're doing a search, but you're not sure what the right keywords to put into engine Google. You can use the keyword "site:" For example, you could try this search: 
"creative ideas" site: 

7. Giving a special exception to the word that is marked as '-'

You can narrow your search by using the flag. For example, if you are looking for information on David Beckham but do not want to know anything about Victoria just because you are not pretty like Victoria (LoL!), you can try: 
"david beckham"-victoria 

8. Finding specific documents

Google can search the web for specific types of files by putting a ":" If you're looking for PowerPoint files about Make Money Online, for example, you can try: 
Make money online filetype: PPT 

9. Search within numerical ranges specified by using the ".."

If you want to find information about the Football World Cup events that occurred in the 1980's, you could use this search: 
World cup soccer 1980 .. 1990 

10. Looking for area code phone

Want to know a particular telephone area code? Google can tell you and can even show the map area. For example, type: 415