Almost all Japanese people are very difficult to learn English, even though they have been studied for 10 years, from elementary school to college. And who should know, the quality and level of learning is given in Japan is not the same as other countries. If in Japan studied the English language level in high school, overseas or Indonesia, the SMP has been studied. In addition to the complexity of the language of weakness, the Japanese have a bad practice in learning a foreign language. A columnist Japan meengemukakan four main reasons why the Japanese are very difficult to learn a foreign language

1. The Japanese Not Active Speakers The Japanese people might upholds the phrase "Silence is Golden". They are very concerned about intonation and phrases used when talking and it's so bad in studying a foreign culture. example how the Japanese together Europeans are joking. Japanese people usually do not know how to express during a conversation and even sometimes did not know of them made a joke. they are also not familiar with the expression used by the West because of cultural differences are very striking.Source
2. The Japanese Fear of Mistakes Done The Japanese may have been the most silent in the world because it is likely they just do not want to offend and disturb others because of his words so that they are more silent. they argue, they would say if they are very confident with the words and expressions expressed by those of the Japanese and this makes them in a vicious circle. If you do not talk about how they know the correct expressions and words in a conversation.
3. Japanese Learn English with furigana furigana is the pronunciation of words from foreign languages to apply or written in Japanese (kanji above example there are small Hiragana characters, that furigana and in this case the English language used in the Japanese language Katakana as a tool). Furigana itself in its application to a foreign language, in this case we demonstrated very different from the English language and the meaning of his words. For example, "Track List" in furigana to "Tureku Risto"
4. Foreign Languages are Learned Early Strangers were so alarmed by the fact that the Japanese did not start learning English until the age of 12 years or 1 junior did they learn English. This is one reason why the level of learning English between Japan and other countries are very different, however in 2011 the Japanese government to implement regulations on foreign language learning for 35 hours in a year since an early age.