10 Sign of Suicide People

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Suicidal ideation does not appear suddenly granted. Generally, before deciding to commit suicide, evil desire was preceded by the emergence of depression.There are some signs that can be recognized from desperate people who commit suicide. Unfortunately, the trend of depression has increased lately. The reason could be due to environmental stress. Nevertheless, the signs of depression are beginning to show signs still need to watch out wrong.

As quoted from the site epigee.org mental health, some signs of suicidal people that could occur are: 

1. Talk about death

Talk about wanting to disappear, jump, shoot themselves or harm expression. 

2. Just lost

Death, divorce, break up with a girlfriend or a job loss, it could lead to suicidal thoughts or attempted suicide. Losing more can signal suicide include the loss of religious faith and the loss of interest in someone or to activities previously enjoyed. 

3. Changes in personality

person may show signs of fatigue, doubt or anxiety are not uncommon. 

4. Changes in behavior

Lack of concentration at work, school or daily activities, such as housework. 

5. Changes in sleep patterns

redundant Sleep, insomnia and other sleep disorders types can be signs and symptoms of suicide. 

6. Changes in eating habits

Loss of appetite or increased appetite. Other changes may include adding or weight loss. 

7. Decreased sexual interest

Such changes may include impotence, delay or irregularity of menstruation. 

8. Low self esteem

symptoms of suicide can be demonstrated through emotions such as embarrassment, low self-esteem or self-hatred. 

9. Fear or losing control of

someone worried about losing his soul and worry endanger themselves or others. 

10. Lack of hope for the future

is another sign of suicidal person feels that there is no hope for the future and all the things will never get better. 

Several other signs of suicide include attempted suicide, a history of drug or alcohol abuse, excessive spending, hyperactivity , anxiety and lethargy.

What to do?
If you or someone you know is showing symptoms of suicidal above, seek help. If you are planning to commit suicide, seek immediate help by performing the following steps:

1. Talk with people who loved

Go up to your loved ones and tell him about what you are experiencing and feeling. 

2. Find expert help

Talk to a counselor, psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, family doctor or visit a suicide prevention center and an emergency, talk to experts is an important step to recovery.

Know that help is there and if it feels right now probably feels there is no hope, you are not alone in your struggle.

If someone you know is showing signs of suicide or have you believe about their suicidal thoughts, follow one or more of the following measures:

1. Never swear to secrecy friend who would commit suicide 
when there are friends, family or your loved one say they want to kill themselves they will require you to keep the secret. 

According to experts it is precisely the wrong attitude, it is friends, family or your loved one may feel betrayed if you telling others about wanting to kill himself. 

But not doing anything will only put his life in danger. Tell the therapist or doctor immediately about the situation or your friends are. 

2. Take action 
Keep away from all drugs or dangerous objects from your home, such as pills, poison, knives or firearms. 

3. Be honest 
Talk openly to your friend about her behavior. Do not judge or lecture. If you trust your friends, pretending to be shocked at the purpose of commit to suicide will only lead to more isolation for him.