Abnormalities Necrophiliac Sex "Making out With Dead Bodies"

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First, necrophilic homicide, the sufferer must kill first to get the body and obtain sexual gratification.
Secondly, regular necrophilia, the patient only uses dead bodies to obtain sexual pleasure.
Thirdly, necrophilic fantasy, the patient fantasized having sex with a corpse, but do not do it. Based on the research of the 122 cases, the majority of sufferers fall into the second category. Half of them work in a morgue or a funeral.

A grave digger in Italy claimed passionate and masturbate after burying the corpse beautiful young girl. In order to reach the climax he had touched the girl's corpse.Unorthodox sexual activity came after quiet and no people around graves. In his confession, he said it was making out with hundreds of bodies were buried. Within a week, he had sexual activity with a corpse between 4-5 times. He even had to suck the blood and urine of dead teenage girls. 


Historically, similar things happened in Egypt thousands of years ago. Husbands who fear her body treated indecent by embalmers, storing her body in the house until it is completely decomposed. One of the legends until now was King Herod who killed his wife, then having sex with a corpse for over 7 years. 


Gender necrophilia patients, 90 percent of men and heterosexual. Only a small portion involving gays and women. One of them, the story of a woman who was in charge of embalming corpses in a cemetery company. During the 4 months of his tenure he has had sex with many men dead.