1. Black-knobbed Map Turtle

This unique looks tortoise called Black-knobbed Map Turtle is a species of turtle native United States. This species spends most of the day basking on fallen trees and quickly jumped into the water when approached. They sought refuge in the river and among the branches of fallen trees.
2. Long neck turtles
The turtles are not only weird because of his appearance, but also because most of the properties. When feeling threatened, Eastern Long-necked Turtle will emit an offensive odor from the liquid musk gland that is why it is also known as a "stinker." Other common names include common snake neck turtle, Eastern snake neck turtle, or Common long-neck turtle and the most distinctive features of a very long neck.This is the type of side-necked turtle,Source meaning that bends its head sideways into the shell and not directly take it back.
3. Eye Eye (Chelus fimbriatus)

shell resembles a piece of bark, and its head resembles fallen leaves. Keep moving in the water
4. Argentine Snake-necked Turtle (hydromedusa tectifera)

This species is found in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil is a popular pet in the exotic pet trade. He is also known as the South American Snake-necked Turtle, turtle neck long known the name. Although the Argentine Snake-necked Turtle is actually more related to the eye than Australia's Snake-necked Turtles.
5. Cantor's giant soft-shelled turtle (Pelochelys cantorii)

This odd-looking species called Cantor's Giant Soft-shelled Turtle is a species of freshwater turtles that have broad head and small eyes near the end of the muzzle.It can grow up to 6 feet (about 2 meters) in length and weighing more than 100 pounds (about 50 kilograms). Turtles unusual to spend 95% of the life buried and motionless, with only the eyes and mouth protruding from the sand. It surfaces only twice a day to take a breath.
6. Chinese Softshelled Turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis)

This species is the largest soft shell turtle on earth. "Turtle soup" made of this type.
7. Spiny Softshell Turtle (Apalone spinifera)
This strange species known as the spiny softshell turtle found in Canada, the United States and Mexico is one of the species of turtle softshelled.